In today’s world, screens and social media are everywhere. From YouTube to TikTok to gaming platforms, our kids are growing up in a digital-first culture—and while technology has benefits, the dangers are real.
1. Skyrocketing Anxiety & Depression
Studies consistently show a link between excessive screen time and increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness in kids and teens. Social media, in particular, fuels comparison, cyberbullying, and unrealistic expectations that take a toll on mental health.
2. A Weakened Faith & Worldview Confusion
Without guidance, kids absorb their beliefs from influencers, algorithms, and online culture—many of whom do not share your values. This leads to worldview confusion, relativism, and disengagement from faith.
3. Addiction to Distraction
Screens are designed to be addictive. Constant notifications, endless scrolling, and dopamine-driven content make it harder for kids to focus, think critically, and develop real-world relationships.
4. Exposure to Harmful Content
Even with parental controls, kids are just one click away from explicit content, dangerous challenges, and online predators. The digital world is not neutral—it’s actively shaping them.
5. Disconnection from Family & Real-Life Relationships
When screens dominate our kids’ lives, meaningful conversations, friendships, and family bonds suffer. Without intentional boundaries, our homes become places of isolation instead of connection.
So, What Can Parents Do?
The good news? You don’t have to figure this out alone. It all starts with having the right conversations.
I’ve put together a free guide to help you navigate this challenge. These 5 essential conversations will equip you to set boundaries, protect your kids, and lead with confidence.
Download Your Free Guide: 5 Conversations Every Parent Must Have About Screens & Social Media
Your kids need your voice more than the internet’s. Let’s help them thrive—not just survive—in a digital world.