#8: What is Atheism? [Podcast]

What is atheism?

Contrary to what you may hear in pop culture or see on YouTube, atheism is not merely the absence of belief. Or as the popular atheist, Christopher Hitchens put it, “Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith.” But even with a delightful British accent—saying it’s so, doesn’t make it so.

Just as Theism is the positive claim or belief that there is a God. Atheism is the positive claim or belief that there is no god.

Here’s the big idea to grasp: The claim that “no gods exist” is just as much a claim to knowledge as the claim that “God exists.” Both require justification—providing good reasons and evidence to support that view. 

As our culture becomes increasingly secular you will see people become more vocal about their Atheism.

Of course, people are free to believe whatever they want. But we need to gently remind our atheist friends that they don’t get a pass when it comes to defending their point of view.

Learn how to respond to the most common objections atheists raise against Christianity and the Bible.

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