Category Archives: Culture
Think Christianly by Jonathan Morrow (Book Trailer)
What people are saying about Think Christianly:
“As someone who has devoted many years of ministry to teaching Christian worldview. I am thrilled to see dynamic and faithful worldview leaders like Jonathan Morrow stepping to the fore. Think Christianly, in a compelling and accessible way, equips Christians young and old to engage the culture winsomely, intelligently, and with confidence.”
and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“Think Christianly is a remarkable and important achievement. Written in an interactive and accessible style, it covers an exhaustive range of topics. Indeed, I know of no other book like it in this regard, and it it now the first book to which to turn for learning the specifics of how to think Christianly.”
and author of The God Question
“We Christians love to lob rhetorical grenades at the surrounding culture from the safety of our holy huddle. What’s far more difficult—and effective—is to engage the issues of our day with intelligence, moral clarity, and biblical wisdom. That’s exactly what Jonathan Morrow does in Think Christianly. Morrow has a knack for elucidating complex ideas and applying timeless truth to contemporary topics. He’s also done a fine job of gathering top Christian thinkers and presenting their ideas on issues ranging from the role of the Bible to bioethics. Think Christianly is a significant addition to the faith and culture conversation and a readable primer for church leaders. It belongs in the library of every thoughtful Christian.”
and author of Generation Ex-Christian:
Why Young Adults are Leaving the Faith…
and How to Bring Them Back (Moody, 2010)
I’m convinced that the Bible doesn’t make us choose between cultivating a thoughtful faith and demonstrating radical love in our world. Yes there is much moral and spiritual confusion today and that brings with it it’s own share of challenges. But it also presents us with some amazing opportunities. So let’s learn to think Christianly and embrace these cultural moments. Let’s engage!
Barna Has Released Five Myths about Young Adult Church Dropouts
One thing that stuck out to me was this quote:
“The problem arises from the inadequacy of preparing young Christians for life beyond youth group.” Kinnaman pointed to research findings showing that “only a small minority of young Christians has been taught to think about matters of faith, calling, and culture. Fewer than one out of five have any idea how the Bible ought to inform their scholastic and professional interests. And most lack adult mentors or meaningful friendships with older Christians who can guide them through the inevitable questions that arise during the course of their studies. In other words, the university setting does not usually cause the disconnect; it exposes the shallow-faith problem of many young disciples.”
What If Most Everything You’ve Been Told About the Scopes Trial in 1925 Was a Lie?
“A New Film, Alleged, Tells the Real Story of the Scopes Trial. It would be hard to underestimate the power that one film, Inherit the Wind, has had in shaping — and distorting — the evolution debate. In a comment that would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic, Judge John E. Jones of Kitzmiller v. Dover fame explained that in getting himself up to speed for the trial he watched ITW to get a sense of the “historical context.” What if someone made a dramatic film that actually told the truth about the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925?”
Someone just did.
Discover the truth, order the DVD today: