Seven Days in Utopia – A Movie You (And Your Family) Need To See

My wife and I were on a date night the other night and decided to see if anything was worth watching at the movies and we stumbled across Seven Days in Utopia starring Robert Duvall among others. It was excellent and here is why. It painted a redemptive picture that included some important truths about relationships, fears, insecurities, and identity. Some may call this movie too predictable, perhaps, but that’s not a reason not to watch something. To be sure, there need to be movies that accurately show the darker side of life (we live in a fallen world after all), but not all movies have to be dark and offer no hope. This movie offers hope, is inspiring, and has a great message. Moreover, it is rated G…Which means you can engage the whole family. This would be an ideal father / son date for kids around 8 or 9 or older (depending on maturity level). The cynic may dismiss this movie as “too cliche.” But to do so has missed the point. There are some messages that ring true for a reason and this movie found the mark. Go see it and spread the word!

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

Christians are for Truth wherever it is found

All truth is God’s truth. John Calvin provides us with a good reminder that engaging our minds matters because truth matters: “It is superstitious to refuse to make use of any secular authors. For since all truth is of God, if any ungodly man has said anything true, we should not reject it, for it has also come from God. Besides, since all things are from God, what could be wrong with employing to His glory everything that can be rightly used in that way?” Application: Think hard and think Christianly for the glory of God! (1 Cor. 14:20)

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

How Do We Know That Jesus Is Who He Claimed To Be? – Jonathan Morrow (Video)

This is the central issue when it comes to examining the claims of Christianity. Here are 2 powerful reasons that support Jesus’s radical claims.

Here is a link to the Think Christianly podcast with a talk I did on the historical evidence for the resurrection that goes into more detail.
I have a chapter on it here:

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

Mind Your Faith by David Horner Is a GREAT Read!

Recently I was honored to have the opportunity to endorse a great new book by Dr. David Horner of Biola University. Here is what I wrote:

“Many Christians heading off to college are simply unprepared for the intellectual, spiritual and moral challenges that await them. Confronted with new ideas, strong desires and relational pressures, it’s not surprising that so many drift away from their childhood faith. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In this timely book, David Horner offers students a compelling vision of what it means to follow Jesus Christ with a mature faith during the college years and beyond. High school graduates need to read this book!” (Jonathan Morrow, author of Welcome to College and founder of

Dave Horner is a topnotch (Oxford trained) Christian thinker. I had the privilege to study under him at Talbot School of Theology while doing Master’s work in Philosophy of Religion and I count myself lucky to call him a friend today. This is a GREAT book that will help you think and live well and flourish as a human being as God intended. My hope is that many adults will read it and then invest in the next generation.
Here is the book:

Here is an interview with Dave Horner on the Frank Pastore show in L.A.
Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

Does the Bible Encourage Blind Faith? – Jonathan Morrow (Video)

The short answer is no. In this video I talk more about why. Sincerity is not enough. A person’s faith is only as good as the object in which its placed. Moreover, thinking is very important in the Christian life. Paul makes that abundantly clear: “Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults” (1 Cor. 14:20).

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow