Does Knowledge Require Bombproof Certainty?

Must we have bombproof certainty before we can say that we know something? Is it all or nothing — 100 percent certainty (that is, it is impossible that I am wrong) or hopeless skepticism? I don’t think so, because this dilemma is a false one.

A skeptical approach to knowledge maintains that knowledge itself is impossible or that no beliefs can be justified even if they happen to be true. Not only is this view unlivable; it also seems self-contradictory, because even radical skeptics think they know enough to claim you are mistaken.


36075733_mOur beliefs come in degrees of confidence, and some beliefs are more central than others; logical certainty is available only in mathematics. I may be very confident that God raised Jesus from the dead and have less confidence as to whether or not Christians ought to take the Lord’s Supper every week, but my differing levels of confidence don’t negate my beliefs. The all-or-nothing standard for knowledge gets us in trouble because it eliminates virtually everything that ultimately matters.

When it comes to God, one of the temptations is to withhold judgment until all the information is in and every possible issue has been investigated. To be honest, this is a pretty tall order. You will never know everything about everything. I sure don’t. If you wait until then, well, you will be waiting a long time! And the question of God is too important. (more…)

Why ISIS Attacks on Christians Should be Declared Genocide by United States

Some things are obvious–or at least they should be until political calculus and political correctness get in the way.

The rest of the world recognizes the brutal atrocities that Christians face in the middle east right now as Genocide at the hands of ISIS. Why can’t our government?

christians_persecutedHonestly, it is shameful that they haven’t. If you are not aware of what is going, please take the time to read and share this so people will know and reach out. There is support in Congress:

“The US House of Representatives has unanimously voted to declare the actions of ISIS against Middle Eastern Christians (and other minorities) officially “war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.” (Read the rest)

Hopefully (more…)

Share the Evidence for the Resurrection This Easter (Video)

Sometimes it’s hard to have a conversation about the evidence for the resurrection. What if someone asks me something I don’t know? What if I don’t know what to say? What if I mess it up?

[Tweet “”God doesn’t call us to be perfect. God calls us to be available and ready.””]

We have all been there! God doesn’t call us to be perfect. God calls us to be available and ready.

1 Peter 3:15 reminds us to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have. And that hope is centered on the resurrection.

In this short video learn how to have a conversation about the resurrection in a non-threatening way.

If you find this helpful (more…)