Why Was Jesus Silent On The Issue Of Slavery?

In order to impugn the moral authority of Jesus of Nazareth, New Atheist Sam Harris claims:

“There is no place in the New Testament where Jesus objects to slavery”

Is this true? Actually, Jesus did speak to the issue of slavery, but he went after the root of physical slavery: spiritual slavery. Spiritual slavery has led to and continues to lead to immense misery. When Jesus began his public ministry, he stood in the synagogue to read the following passage: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18).

What a mission statement! Jesus came to set captives free, restore, heal, and transform—that is the good news of the kingdom of God. The good news of the kingdom of God is when “up there” comes “down here” and begins to be embodied by a new community. Given the reality of sinful humans and corrupted institutions, Jesus knew the best way to end slavery was first to liberate the hearts and minds of humanity. The truth sets people free. As Ravi Zacharias poignantly frames the question, “Slavery is now illegal, but is racism gone?” Simply passing a law doesn’t transform the brokenness in the human heart. If obscure Bible passages were really the problem, then why in the twenty-first century are we confronted with the horrible reality of human trafficking and the sex-slave trade?

For more, see my answer to the question of Does God Intend For Us To Keep Slaves? (p148-57)

Miss our latest podcast on whether Jesus was just a myth? Check it out here.

Was Jesus Invented And Borrowed From Pagan Mythology? [Podcast]

Did Jesus ever really exist? Was the story of Jesus invented? Was Jesus just a fictional creation based on Roman and Pagan Mythology? Is the person at the center of Christianity a fairytale? In this podcast, we will explore these and other claims.

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Kalam Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig (Video)

Is it reasonable to believe that God exists? Does modern cosmology make belief in God obsolete? Actually, no, it doesn’t. In our book Is God Just a Human Invention? And Seventeen Other Questions Raised By the New Atheists, Sean McDowell and I explore the evidence for God from the beginning (or origin) of the Universe. We both learned this argument from one of our professors, Dr. William Lane Craig. Here is an EXCELLENT short video summarizing the argument for God that Craig develops.

After watching this argument, you may have the perfectly normal question (if you didn’t, the skeptic in your class or family does!), well “if God made the universe then who made God?” I have answered that here.

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Learn more about Dr. Craig’s teaching ministry here.

Living as a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture [Podcast]

How do we live out our Christian faith in an increasingly Post-Christian culture? What does it mean to be an everyday ambassador of Jesus Christ? What should our goals be in spiritual conversations? How do we talk to people who do not share our Christian assumptions about reality?

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