#29: Will Your Kids Faith Survive YouTube?

Will Your Kid’s Faith Survive YouTube?

Worldview training is not optional for today’s teenagers.

As a parent, pastor, educator or youth pastor you need to know that training in worldview, apologetics, and theology is good for the heart and soul of the next generation.

I believe in the next generation. I love getting to spend time with them talking about the big questions of life and the everyday stuff of life.

Gen Z has amazing potential and I think God will use them greatly. (Here’s my interview with David Kinnaman of the Barna Group and Catalyst podcast on Gen Z)

But they must be trained.

Worldview training is not optional for today’s teenagers

Here’s the bottom line—it’s exhausting to live a compartmentalized faith.

Yet, many Christian teenagers are trying to do this impossible task every day. And it’s taking a toll on their soul and faith.

The cultural messages are strong, and the challenges are unrelenting. Students are being shaped more by YouTube and Netflix than by what they are hearing on a typical Sunday morning.

There’s a disconnect.

Faith and feeling goes in one category of life on Sunday; reason and thinking goes in another category the rest of the week. That kind of faith will not survive.

All the while, what they come to see as normal is being subtly changed—without rational argument by the way—by the videos they watch on YouTube and the shows they watch on Netflix.

Nancy Pearcey on Worldview Training and the Next Generation

Nancy Pearcey’s words are very preceptive here:

As Christian parents, pastors, teachers, and youth group leaders, we constantly see young people pulled down by the undertow of powerful cultural trends. If all we give them is a “heart” religion, it will not be strong enough to counter the lure of attractive but dangerous ideas. Young believers also need a “brain” religion — training in worldview and apologetics — to equip them to analyze and critique the competing worldviews they will encounter when they leave home. If forewarned and forearmed, young people at least have a fighting chance when they find themselves a minority of one among their classmates or work colleagues. Training young people to develop a Christian mind is no longer an option; it is part of their necessary survival equipment.

Confidence and integration come from knowing why you believe what you believe and then how to live it out. And that’s really good for the heart.

We don’t have to pick between thinking well and loving well.

We don’t have to choose between reason and relationships. As Christians, we get to do both.

As Christian Parents, Where Do We Start with Gen Z in a YouTube World?

That’s why I am so excited to share my new online course–5 Things Every Teenager Needs to Build a Lasting Faith—with you as a next step here.

It can be confusing to know where to start or what to focus on. There never seems to be enough time for the things that matter. I’ve removed the guesswork and created a Faith Ownership Dashboard for you to follow.

For years I have been sharing these truths with parents and church leaders in conferences and breakout sessions as an application of my book Welcome to College.

Now they are available for you to work through at your own pace on the go and apply to your own family.

We can’t choose for our kids and God will do what he will do in his providence—but our part is vital if we want to give our kids the chance to build a lasting faith. There is not a silver bullet formula, but there is a framework that we can apply by God’s grace to make a lasting difference!


#26: Sincerity Is Not Enough

Sincerity is Not Enough

Devotion and Sincerity are admirable. But when it comes to questions of reality, we know this is not enough.

In our “follow your heart,” “You do you” and personalize everything to my own preferences world–this can be confusing.

Every day through Spotify, Netflix, and YouTube–People are discipled by our culture to think that right and wrong, gender, sexuality, and spirituality are determined by what I—as an individual–choose to believe. That’s the height of freedom right? Wrong.

Why? Because we all know that we’ve been sincerely wrong. Remember all those tests you took that your teacher had the audacity to count certain answers incorrect? Remember how sincere you were on the SAT and ACT? They didn’t care.

Or think of it this way. I am not a fan of heights. Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

But if I did, I would assure you that I would have all the sincerity in the world when I pulled the ripcord on that parachute.

But if that chute was improperly packed, I am going to have a very bad day.

Sincerity doesn’t change reality.

If we live in God’s Universe—and I think the evidence for that is very strong by the way—then God sets the rules and defines reality. And we either cooperate with it or slam into it when our beliefs are wrong.

And the best way to navigate reality is to read the designer’s manual—the Bible. It teaches us what is true and how to live.

#25: Why Ideas Are So Powerful

Why Ideas Are So Powerful

Ideas have always been and continue to be our Enemy’s favorite method of undermining the work of God.

Dallas Willard comments on what happened in the garden of Eden:

“Ideas and images are … the primary focus of Satan’s efforts to defeat God’s purposes with and for humankind. When we are subject to his chosen ideas and images, he can take a nap or a holiday. Thus when he undertook to draw Eve away from God, he did not hit her with a stick, but with an idea. It was with the idea that God could not be trusted and that she must act on her own to secure her own well-being.”

Two observations. First, both Adam and Eve fell for the bad idea that God really can’t be trusted. Second, once ideas take root, they have a mind of their own and pick up speed like a snowball rolling down a hill!

That is why God’s Word reminds us:

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”–2 Cor 10:3-5

Notice that part of our (more…)

#24: Does the Bible Teach That Jesus is the Only Way to God?

Does the Bible really teach that Jesus is the only way to God?

That’s a good question. Our culture is definitely headed in the direction of pluralism and relativism.

For example, 6 out of 10 teenagers today agree with the statement “many religions can lead to eternal life; there is no one true religion.” Prominent religious leaders like the Dalai Lama agree when he says, “the essential message of all religions is very much the same.”

There are different parts of this question worth looking at and responding to, but I want to focus on what the Bible says. Because if the Bible teaches that Jesus is the only way to God, then it doesn’t matter what our increasingly secular thinks.

It turns out (more…)

#22: Is Science Our Only Source of Knowledge?

Is Science our only Source of knowledge?

With the rise and success of modern science (and these advances have been beneficial in many ways), some people have unfortunately come to believe that science, and science alone offers true knowledge of reality.

Famous atheist Bertrand Russell put it this way:

“Whatever knowledge is attainable, must be attained by scientific methods; and what science cannot discover, mankind cannot know.”

Initially, this sounds sophisticated and intelligent. The only problem is that if it’s true, we couldn’t know it to be true. Why?

Scientism is Self-Refuting

Because the statement (more…)