#4: Are Christians Judgmental? [Podcast]

Taking a Closer Look at What Jesus Was Really Against

In this episode of Your Worldview Minute, we’ll be talking about how to respond when people say that Christians shouldn’t be judgmental. What did Jesus mean (and not mean) when he tells us not to judge? What was Jesus against? As you will see, context matters!

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Go Deeper >> A Quick Response the “Who are You to Judge” Objection

Asking the Hard Questions About the Bible

All of us have questions about the Bible. At the end of the day, what we have to figure out is what we will do with those questions.

Will we keep them hidden and allow unanswered questions to slowly erode our confidence that God has spoken? Or will we courageously question the Bible in a way that actually builds our faith?


Why Kids Need a Biblical Worldview and Where to Start

3 Reasons Every Parent Needs to Know

If you’re a parent, then you want your kids to live well. You want them to flourish. You want them to follow Jesus all the days of their lives. This is a prayer I regularly pray for my kids. But how does this happen? What does this look like? What’s at stake? It starts with building a biblical worldview.


Researchers Have Found the Oldest Known Manuscript of Leviticus

How the En-Gedi Scroll Confirms the Accuracy of Textual Transmission of the Bible

How do we know that the Bible we read today is what was originally written? Has the text been corrupted? A recent discovery along with significant advances in imaging technology reveal the earliest known fragment of Leviticus (1:3). Here’s a short video explaining how this works. But the bottom line is that this should increase your confidence in the Bible.

(Photo credits WSJ and University of Kentucky)


#1: Are We Raising a Generation of Almost Christians? [Podcast]

Your Worldview Minute with Jonathan Morrow Episode 1

Are we raising a generation of almost Christians? Why are students walking away from the faith? As moms and dads, how do we help our children build a lasting faith? How do we overcome a culture dominated by feelings? How do we make a difference in the lives of our children? These are just few of the questions I talk about in this episode of Your Worldview Podcast.

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Go Deeper >> Why it matters that Christianity is a historical faith