The impact of Darwin is not limited to biology

Check out Marvin Olasky’s article about why when it comes to Darwin, the influence of evolutionary thinking reaches far beyond biology. The bottom line: Daniel Dennett in Darwin’s Dangerous Idea hit it right…Darwin created a “universal acid” that eats through any “meaning coming from on high.”

Read the rest here

William Dembski on BioLogos, Karl Giberson, Francis Collins, and the Merits of Theistic Evolution

William Dembski engages the theistic evolution debate in a recent review. Here is a taste:

Throughout their book, Giberson and Collins overconfidently proclaim that Darwinian evolution is a slam-dunk. Thus one reads, “There has been no scientific discovery since Darwin–not one–which has suggested that evolution is not the best explanation for the origin of species” (21-22). No theory is that good. Every theory admits anomalies. Every theory faces disconfirming evidence. Repeatedly readers are informed that mountains of overwhelming evidence support Darwin’s theory and that the authors are “unfamiliar with any premier scientists who reject evolution.” And just so there’s no doubt, in that same paragraph, they reiterate, “There are certainly a few scientists who reject evolution . . . But these are never premier scientists.” Oh, you reject Darwinian evolution; you can’t be a premier scientist…..(read the rest)

This is a critical debate because the question of origins is hugely important. For more on faith and evolution, click here.
H/T – Evolution News

Faith, Evidence, and the Promises of God

Mark Twain once quipped, “faith is believing what you know ain’t so.” That isn’t Christianity. The fact that some Christians may have blind faith is not the same as Christianity itself championing blind faith and irrationality. Historic Christianity has always emphasized that faith and reason go together. In everyday terms, faith is simply trusting in what you have good reason to believe is true. Faith in the Christian life is trust that God is who he claims to be and will do all that he has promised to do. This is reasonable because God has shown himself to be reliable and trustworthy. So faith is not belief in spite of the evidence, but belief in light of the evidence.

Beyond Worldview Contradictions

Naturalism fails to explain even the most basic elements of our existence. And deep down everyone knows this. Theism is the only view of the world that really explains all that we experience. Here is a very clear exposition of this:

“The physical world provides no room for freedom of will….[yet] that concept is essential to our models of the mental realm. Too much of our psychology is based on it for us to ever give it up. [And so] We’re virtually forced to maintain that belief, even though we know it’s false.” – Marvin Minsky (MIT)

Or…we could give up the worldview of Scientific Naturalism? For it is far more obvious to me that I have free will than all of reality can be explained / reduced to “physics, chemistry, and biology.”

On Anne Rice Quitting Christianity?

Perhaps you have heard about this already…but if not, novelist Anne Rice is still a follower of Jesus…she is just giving up on Christianity. hmmmm, so what does that mean? Here are two helpful posts…

“But the church cannot see rejection of Christ as some kind of personal reproach or, worse yet, an ideological declaration of war. We have to love our prodigal sons and daughters so that if and when the dark night of the soul is over they have a place to come home to. Anne says she still loves Jesus but she doesn’t love Christianity. Yes, I know that it is impossible to love Jesus without loving his church. I’ve preached that for years, and I still believe it. But can’t you see how someone could wrestle against that? I am thankful that I had been a Christian long enough to have gained some kind of maturity before I saw just how vicious “Christianity” can be.”- Russell Moore