#8: What is Atheism? [Podcast]

What is atheism?

Contrary to what you may hear in pop culture or see on YouTube, atheism is not merely the absence of belief. Or as the popular atheist, Christopher Hitchens put it, “Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith.” But even with a delightful British accent—saying it’s so, doesn’t make it so.

Just as Theism is the positive claim or belief that there is a God. Atheism is the positive claim or belief that there is no god.

Here’s the big idea to grasp: The claim that “no gods exist” is just as much a claim to knowledge as the claim that “God exists.” Both require justification—providing good reasons and evidence to support that view.  (more…)

#7: Why Are You a Christian? [Podcast]

Why are you a Christian?

If you ask a lot of Christians you’ll usually get one of these answers—I was raised in the church, my parents were Christians, I had a powerful experience or God changed my life. And I’m grateful for these answers.

But at the end of the day, the reason why I’m a Christian is because it’s true. I’m convinced it accurately describes reality.

And if you asked the Apostle Paul, he’d tell you the same thing. In his words, “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.” (see also 1 Cor. 15)

I’m a Christian because I believe Jesus rose from the dead. It was a real, historical event that you can investigate with eyes wide open. (more…)

#6: Do All Religions Lead To God? [Podcast]

Do all religions lead to God? If you’ve ever had a conversation about your Christian faith, then you probably have encountered this slogan. But is it true?

No, and here’s why. Isn’t it interesting how people tend to create special rules when investigating spiritual or moral questions? Sometimes we make it more complicated than it needs to be.

For example, are all economic systems the same? Socialism and capitalism are very different. What about forms of government? Having a king (monarchy) and rule by the people (democracy) are very different as well.


#5: What is a Worldview? [Podcast]

What is a worldview? It’s the way we view the world. Worldviews are like glasses or contact lenses. A good worldview helps us see reality more clearly and bring it into focus.

Everyone has a worldview—most people just don’t know it. We all have assumptions about whether God exists or not. Where we came from. Who we are…Why we are here. What life is all about. And what happens after we die—just to name a few.

Our lens for seeing the world is shaped by our family, culture, social media, what we watch, read, and listen to, and who we spend our time with.


#4: Are Christians Judgmental? [Podcast]

Taking a Closer Look at What Jesus Was Really Against

In this episode of Your Worldview Minute, we’ll be talking about how to respond when people say that Christians shouldn’t be judgmental. What did Jesus mean (and not mean) when he tells us not to judge? What was Jesus against? As you will see, context matters!

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Go Deeper >> A Quick Response the “Who are You to Judge” Objection