Interview with Michael Kruger on the Canon of Scripture [Podcast]

Who chose the books of the Bible and why? Can we be confident that we have the right books in our Bible? In this podcast, I interview leading New Testament scholar Dr. Michael J. Kruger on the origins of the canon of Scripture. 

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See Michael Kruger’s excellent books Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books (Crossway, 2012) and The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity, co-authored with Andreas Köstenberger (Crossway, 2010) for more on the origins of the New Testament canon.

Michael J. Kruger, “The Authenticity of 2 Peter,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 42.4 (1999): 645-671.

Michael Kruger’s Website / Blog I Books I Twitter I Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte)

If you enjoyed this topic, you would also enjoy our podcast with New Testament scholar Darrell Bock on “Is the Bible Full of Contradictions?”

Need a graduation gift idea for your high school seniors? Check out Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide for the Journey

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Interview with C. John Collins On the Days of Genesis [Podcast]

The early chapters of Genesis are some of the most challenging and controversial in all of the Bible…but also some of the most important. In this podcast, I interview leading Hebrew / Old Testament scholar Dr. C. John Collins on questions like: How do we interpret the days of Genesis? What does it mean to take the early chapters of Genesis literally? Did Moses really write Genesis? Is Genesis historical? Who was the original audience and what would they have understood these passages to mean? What does the BIble teach (and not teach) about the age of the earth? And more… As Christians we need to be thoughtful as we approach the text and charitable and humble in our dealings with others who may disagree. Regardless of your position, there is much here that will cause you to think about the inspired text in a fresh way.

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The most accessible explanation of C. John “Jack” Collins’ view on the days of Genesis is Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? (Crossway 2003).

Other helpful books by Dr. Collins: Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? I The God of Miracles I Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary

If you enjoyed this topic / podcast, you would also enjoy our interview with NT scholar Dr. Darrell Bock – Is the Bible Full of Contradictions?

Are Your Students Ready For College? They Can Be… Learn more about Welcome to College

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What Christians Believe About Jesus in 20 Minutes [Podcast]

What do Christians believe about Jesus Christ? If you have ever wondered about this or would like a brief overview (20 min) of what the Bible teaches and why these doctrines matter, then this podcast is for you! In plain language we will discuss the deity and humanity of Christ along with implications for the life of the Christian.

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For more on the doctrine of Christ, see the excellent book by systematic theologian (and my former pastor) Erik Thoennes – Life’s Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says about the Things That Matter Most (Crossway 2011). Also, to explore the full breadth of the biblical data concerning the deity of Christ, see Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ (Kregel 2007). If you would like a resource to help students begin to engage theology, see Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide for the Journey.

If you enjoyed this topic / podcast, you would also enjoy our podcast – Why Theology Matters

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Interview with Darrell Bock on Bible Contradictions [Podcast]

Is the Bible full of contradictions? Were the biblical authors confused about the historical details they report? In this podcast, I interview leading New Testament scholar and New York Times best selling author Dr. Darrell Bock on whether the Gospels contradict one another as skeptics like Bart Ehrman claim.

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Darrell Bock’s Chapter on Precision and Accuracy in Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture (Crossway 2012).

Darrell Bock’s Blog I Books I Podcast

If you enjoyed this topic / podcast, you would enjoy the article – Should Lost Gospels Be In the Bible?

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Why Theology Matters [Podcast]

What is theology and what does it have to do with my everyday life? Why does it matter? What does the Bible say? Why can’t I just love Jesus and go to church and leave theology to the intellectual people who are in to that sort of thing?