5 Hidden Dangers of Screen Time & Social Media for Kids—What Parents Need to Know (Video)

Learn the 5 Conversations Parents Need to Have About Screens and Social Media

In today’s world, screens and social media are everywhere. From YouTube to TikTok to gaming platforms, our kids are growing up in a digital-first culture—and while technology has benefits, the dangers are real.

1. Skyrocketing Anxiety & Depression

Studies consistently show a link between excessive screen time and increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness in kids and teens. Social media, in particular, fuels comparison, cyberbullying, and unrealistic expectations that take a toll on mental health.

2. A Weakened Faith & Worldview Confusion

Without guidance, kids absorb their beliefs from influencers, algorithms, and online culture—many of whom do not share your values. This leads to worldview confusion, relativism, and disengagement from faith.

3. Addiction to Distraction

Screens are designed to be addictive. Constant notifications, endless scrolling, and dopamine-driven content make it harder for kids to focus, think critically, and develop real-world relationships.

4. Exposure to Harmful Content

Even with parental controls, kids are just one click away from explicit content, dangerous challenges, and online predators. The digital world is not neutral—it’s actively shaping them.

5. Disconnection from Family & Real-Life Relationships

When screens dominate our kids’ lives, meaningful conversations, friendships, and family bonds suffer. Without intentional boundaries, our homes become places of isolation instead of connection.

So, What Can Parents Do?

The good news? You don’t have to figure this out alone. It all starts with having the right conversations.

I’ve put together a free guide to help you navigate this challenge. These 5 essential conversations will equip you to set boundaries, protect your kids, and lead with confidence.

👉 Download Your Free Guide: 5 Conversations Every Parent Must Have About Screens & Social Media

Your kids need your voice more than the internet’s. Let’s help them thrive—not just survive—in a digital world.

Ready to start building your plan right now?

Florida’s Social Media Ban: What Every Parent Needs to Know

When does the new Florida law that bans social media go into effect?

Florida is changing the game when it comes to social media and kids. In this video, I explain how and what it means for parents.

When does the new Florida law that bans social media go into effect?

Can parents opt out of these restrictions?

Here’s what it means for you no matter what state you live in. Florida just made a bold move with its new social media restrictions aimed at protecting kids online. 🎯 But what does this really mean for parents and families?

In this video, we break down the new laws, what it means for your child’s screen time, and how you can navigate these changes.

Discover how this legislation could impact:

  • ✅ Social media use for kids and teens
  • ✅ Parental responsibilities online
  • ✅ Steps you can take to stay ahead of the curve

📌 Stay informed and learn practical tips to keep your family safe in the digital age.

💡 Want more guidance on managing social media and screentime?

Check out our FREE resource 5 Questions Every Parent Must Answer Before Giving Your Kids Social Media

Start Building Your Plan with this Guide.

Digital Parenting Made Simple (Follow me on Instagram for regular tips and encouragement).

Australia Bans Social Media for Teens: What Parents Need to Know

Why Australia is banning social media for kids

Why is Australia banning social media? Screen and social media addiction are real. How will this bold move change a generation? Is this the future of parenting? Australia has introduced a groundbreaking law banning teens from social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. But how will this actually work? Could it happen in other countries? Is this a good thing? And what does it mean for your family? What about privacy and free speech? How can parents confidently guide their kids in this new digital world?

In this video, I break it all down:

  • Why Australia is banning social media for kids.
  • How this law aims to protect mental health and online safety.
  • The challenges of enforcing this—and what you can learn as a parent.

Digital Parenting Made Simple…Learn More

8 Best Parental Control Apps for Screen Time & Social Media

Are you a parent looking for the best tools to monitor and protect your kids online?

What are the best parental control apps to monitor screen time and social media?

The top 8 counted down to help you get the tool you need.

PARENTS: Download Your Free Quick Guide: “5 Questions Every Parent Must Answer Before Giving Your Kids Social Media”

The Biggest Issue Facing the Church Today

10 Barriers to Biblical Authority

What is the biggest issue facing the church today?

If you ask most people you will probably get answers like sexuality, gender, justice, tribalism, threats to religious liberty, cancel culture, consumerism, screen and social media addiction, and relativism—just to name a few.

And they’re not wrong. Those are significant issues.

But they are not THE issue.

Underneath ALL of those issues is the issue that I believe is the greatest challenge for the church today—authority.

As I teach and disciple high school, college, and graduate students year-round at Impact 360 Institute and study the next generation, I am more convinced than ever that the number 1 topic that must be addressed for the church is biblical authority.

Our Culture Has an Authority Problem

If the broader culture has an authority problem then it’s not surprising the church has a biblical authority problem.

Christians have drifted so far away from biblical authority. And it’s not just in progressive Christian circles that champion deconstruction.

Culture is simply what you come to see as normal without having to think about it. And it has become normal for people to see themselves as authoritative as I will unpack below.

10 Barriers to Biblical Authority Today

As I look around, I see 10 cultural challenges that are undermining Biblical Authority.

I will list them and comment briefly below but fully recognize that entire books could be written about each topic. In fact, I have addressed several of these challenges in depth in my book Questioning the Bible: 11 Major Challenges to the Bible’s Authority. As you read through this list, you will see how many of these build on each other.

1. Culture of Corruption & Abuse of Power. Everywhere you look there are scandals, cover-ups, and abuse of power. Scandal sells. And the entertainment news cycle is buying so it can drive clicks to create controversy and sell ad space. Sadly some high-profile Christian leaders and churches have been in the news for these reasons as well. The result is that you see a general institutional distrust setting in–especially in Gen Z. And if we’re honest, it’s not hard to see why some people are wary of authority. (more…)