Science is not the only source of knowledge about our world and it is vital that Christians embrace this fact and help our culture to recognize it as well. Take a few minutes to read this post by JP Moreland on Knowledge. This is important stuff to appreciate.
Category Archives: Thinking About Big Questions
Summit Ministries Training Students to Think Christianly
I wanted to draw attention to an organization that is helping students cultivate a Christian worldview. If you are a high school or college student looking for a wonderful way to grow in your faith, consider going to a Summit Conference this summer.
Here is what Summit Ministries is…
“Summit Ministries is an educational Christian ministry whose very existence is a response to our current post-Christian culture. Today, countless Christian youth have fallen victim to the popular ideas of our modern world. Most have adopted these ideas into their own worldview, while still others go on to renounce their Christian faith altogether.
Summit views its role in God’s kingdom as a catalyst to counteract this alarming trend. However, our ultimate goal supersedes simply training. As Christians are challenged to stand strong in their faith and defend truth, they will also be equipped to have a positive influence on the society in which they live.”
A Prayer for Thinking Christianly
Thinking Christianly is not a one time decision. It is a way of life or a habit to be cultivated. There are a lot of verses that we could look at (e.g., Romans 12:1-2), but I just want to point to a prayer that you and I can pray that will help us to grow in our ability to Think Christianly. It comes from Psalm 27:11.
“Teach me how to live, O Lord, lead me along the right path…” (NLT)
The great thing about this verse is that it puts us in a posture to learn and grow. We don’t know how to live…really. Life is complicated. We need God to show us. This is the first step in thinking Christianly. And though it seems like a small step; it is absolutely essential. Try praying this prayer to God each day this week and see what happens.
The Eternal Kind of Life Now
Keeping up with the latest on the fall out from Expelled
Want to learn more about the fall out from Expelled and the Neo-Darwinian Evolution / Intelligent Design controversy? Add these websites to your list: