A.W. Tozer famously said “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important about us.” But why is this so important? Here is some excellent perspective:
Believers get into their heads such a wrong idea of God that it comes between them and God or between them and their trusting God. Since they do not recognize what they are doing, they blame God rather than their faulty picture, little realizing that God is not like that at all. Unable to see God as he is, they cannot trust them as they should, and doubt is the result.—Os Guinness
If we do not come to know God as he is–as he has revealed himself to be–it affects our ability to trust him in good times or bad. This is what theology is all about (we’ve talked about that before). So what is God like? Here’s a start from a top-notch theologian:
God is an invisible, personal, and living Spirit, distinguished from all other spirits by several kinds of attributes: metaphysically God is self-existent, eternal, and unchanging; intellectually God is omniscient, faithful, and wise; ethically God is just, merciful, and loving; emotionally God detests evil, is longsuffering, and is compassionate; existentially God is free, authentic, and omnipotent; relationally God is transcendent in being, immanent universally in providential activity, and immanent with His people in redemptive activity.—Gordon R. Lewis
These are not just words on a page. They are the perfections of the one true God! Would you like to grow deeper in your understanding / experience of God? Do you have 5 minutes a day? Then the 5 Minute Theologian is for you. It really is a helpful and easy way to learn theology.
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