How to Use Fortnite to Help Your Kids Grow Spiritually

A Quick Guide For Christian Parents

Fortnite. It’s kind of a thing.

You may not know what skins, emotes, mats, minis, meds, bots, squads, duos, and tryhards are, but your kids do.

Especially if they play the wildly popular Battle Royale version of the game.

As Moms and Dads, you’ve probably been asked to buy a battle pass and some V-Bucks.

And the odds are pretty good that you have seen a kid doing the floss dance.

I wrote this blog post and made a quick guide to help you level up (see what I did there?) 😉

How to Redeem All Those Hours Your Kids Play Fortnite

If you’re like me as a Christian parent, you want to see your kids build a lasting faith.

So what we wanted to do was find creative ways to have a conversation around fortnite that would be helpful for our son (as he had a good time playing with some of his friends we know from school).

Do you want to redeem all those hours your kids play fortnite?

I sure did.

So I created this free quick guide to help you discover how to practically and creatively leverage your kids’ desire to play fortnite to help them get better at life and grow spiritually.

What Christian Parents Need to Know About Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite is the most popular video game in the world right now (certainly among teenagers and especially teenage boys). Here are (more…)

#11: How Were People Saved in the Old Testament? [Podcast]

How were people saved in the Old Testament?

That’s a good question and one that many of us wonder about. Was it by good works or was it by faith?

But here’s the big picture. When we look at the Scriptures, this is the pattern that emerges.

Salvation is always…

  • Offered by the grace of God
  • Based on the atoning death of Jesus Christ
  • Received by the exercise of faith
  • Applied by the work of the Holy Spirit

Until the time of Christ, (more…)

#10: The Christian Life is Active Not Passive [Podcast]

The Christian life is active, not passive.

It’s so easy to start letting life happen to us. There’s so much to do.

Information to process. Schedules to manage. Emails to check. Laundry to fold, practices to get to and homework to be done.

The pace is crazy. If we’re not careful, we can become passive observers in our own lives.

Here’s the problem: If we’re passive, then we’ll not be able to do all that God has called us to do. (more…)

#9: Where Do Human Rights Come From? [Podcast]

Where do human rights come from?

You may have noticed that everyone is not the same. Look around your classroom, workplace, or on social media and you quickly realize that people are, well, different…Men, women, big, small, different cultures and ethnic backgrounds—we don’t have equal abilities, power, talents, strengths, or intellect.

So why treat everyone the same if we’ re not?

It has to be something more than “we agree” or “we took a vote” that everyone is equally valuable because all it takes is for someone to disagree or take a new vote and equality goes out the window. (more…)

#8: What is Atheism? [Podcast]

What is atheism?

Contrary to what you may hear in pop culture or see on YouTube, atheism is not merely the absence of belief. Or as the popular atheist, Christopher Hitchens put it, “Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith.” But even with a delightful British accent—saying it’s so, doesn’t make it so.

Just as Theism is the positive claim or belief that there is a God. Atheism is the positive claim or belief that there is no god.

Here’s the big idea to grasp: The claim that “no gods exist” is just as much a claim to knowledge as the claim that “God exists.” Both require justification—providing good reasons and evidence to support that view.  (more…)