Think Christianly


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Online reviews: Holly Ordway for Apologetics 315 | Tom Gilson for Thinking Christian

“As someone who has devoted many years of ministry to teaching Christian worldview. I am thrilled to see dynamic and faithful worldview leaders like Jonathan Morrow stepping to the fore. Think Christianly, in a compelling and accessible way, equips Christians young and old to engage the culture winsomely, intelligently, and with confidence.”Chuck Colson
Founder, Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“Think Christianly is a remarkable and important achievement. Written in an interactive and accessible style, it covers an exhaustive range of topics. Indeed, I know of no other book like it in this regard, and it it now the first book to which to turn for learning the specifics of how to think Christianly.”
J.P. Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy,Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and author of The God Question
“We Christians love to lob rhetorical grenades at the surrounding culture from the safety of our holy huddle. What’s far more difficult—and effective—is to engage the issues of our day with intelligence, moral clarity, and biblical wisdom. That’s exactly what Jonathan Morrow does in Think Christianly. Morrow has a knack for elucidating complex ideas and applying timeless truth to contemporary topics. He’s also done a fine job of gathering top Christian thinkers and presenting their ideas on issues ranging from the role of the Bible to bioethics. Think Christianly is a significant addition to the faith and culture conversation and a readable primer for church leaders. It belongs in the library of every thoughtful Christian.”Drew Dyck
Managing editor of Leadership Journal and author of Generation Ex-Christian: Why Young Adults are Leaving the Faith…and How to Bring Them Back (Moody, 2010)
“In a time when truth is distorted and biblical teachings are misunderstood, our commitment to engaging culture must not be compromised…Think Christianly is a much needed resource as we seek to honor God in both what we believe and how we live.”Jason Hayes
National Young Adult Ministry Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources

Every generation of Christ-followers lives at the intersection of faith and culture; now it’s our turn…

The Bible doesn’t make us choose between cultivating a thoughtful faith and demonstrating radical love. Why should the church?



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Book Jonathan for Your Event

Jonathan speaks around the country helping Christians understand what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters. He has spoken for organizations, churches, camps, men’s retreats, and institutions such as:

  • Impact 360 Institute
  • Biola University
  • The Barna Group
  • Kanakuk Kamps
  • WinShape Camps
  • Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Conference
  • Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
  • Stand to Reason (REALITY conferences)
  • 12 Stone
  • Dogwood Church
  • YWAM University of the Nations
  • Search Ministries
  • Summit Ministries
  • Reasons to Believe
  • Hume Lake Camps
  • CRU
  • Ratio Christi
  • Classical Conversations
  • Charleston Southern Univ.,
  • Family Research Council
  • The Evangelical Philosophical Society.
  • Mom2Mom
  • and many others…

Here are some of his more popular speaking topics:

Apologetics & Worldview Talks:

The Atheist Challenge (Role-Play)
The Bible Challenge – (Role-Play)
Why Truth Matters
Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?
Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
Why Moral Relativism Hurts Everyone
Making the Case for God in a Culture of Unbelief
Can You Trust the Bible?
Who Chose the Books of the Bible and Why?
Has the Bible Been Corrupted and Changed?
Welcome to College: 3 Things Every Student Needs to Live Well
Is Christianity True? (Individual talk or full weekend conference)
Dealing with Doubt on the Journey of Faith
Is Christianity Based on Blind Faith?
How to Defend Your Faith with Clarity and Confidence
Who Was Jesus?
If God is Good, Why is There Evil?
Learning From Jesus How to Live
The Dating Game
Overcoming the Tyranny of Tolerance
Are the Gospels Full of Contradictions?
How to Take a Religious Quest

To invite Jonathan to come to speak to your event, conference, church, school, youth group, or camp, please use our contact form.

Special Sessions for Parents, Educators, and Youth Leaders:

The World According to Gen Z (Cultural, Spiritual, and Moral Trends of Today’s Teens)
How to Help Students Own Their Faith
How to Question the Bible and Keep Your Faith

Popular Sessions with Descriptions

Following Jesus in the Digital Age: Helping Students Overcome Distraction and Deconstruction

Social media is warping the hearts and minds of students. With unprecedented levels of relativism, distraction, anxiety, and loneliness, we must help the next generation—and all of us—pursue a better path.

How to Change Your Life (No, Seriously)

Does it sometimes feel like you have habits of living and thinking that will never change? Do you long for true, deep, lasting change in your own life? How do we overcome unwanted behaviors and not be driven to unhealthy places by our unfulfilled desires? The good news is that change IS possible. However, we must understand how thinking is absolutely vital to our transformation. As the Apostle Paul says in Romans 12:2, we are “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” In this session, you’ll discover the ways in which we can literally rewire our brains and neural pathways by directing our minds to truth and how, as a result, we can experience a transformed life.

How to Help a New Generation Take the Bible Seriously

Our culture doesn’t take the Bible seriously anymore…but sadly more and more Christians don’t either. Even if we affirm that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God with our lips, we often don’t live like we believe it. What cultural challenges have undermined our views of the Bible? Are there good reasons to think the Bible is a reliable guide to life? What do we do when people disagree about what the Bible says? In a culture where it seems like EVERYTHING is up for grabs, how do we stand firm on God’s Word? This session will equip you with a solid understanding of WHY the Bible is authoritative, offer practical steps we can take to orient our lives around it and help a new generation take God’s Word seriously.

Worldview Integration Coaching:

In an ever-changing culture, each season of life offers new opportunities and challenges for our faith. Contact us to learn more about personalized coaching opportunities with Jonathan for high school & college students, young professionals, parents of students, youth pastors, homeschool co-ops, and Christian educators.

“I have known Jonathan Morrow very well for many years, and I have the upmost respect for the quality of his work, thought and character. He is a leader in the task of integrating Christianity and other fields of study, and I highly endorse his teaching, writing and leadership.” JP Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Biola University and author of Love Your God With All Your Mind
“Anyone who thinks apologetics is no longer important doesn’t know the world students live in and the questions they ask (and are being asked)…Jonathan Morrow knows students. He knows what they need to know.” John Stonestreet
President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and co-host of BreakPoint radio


To invite Jonathan to come to speak to your event, conference, church, school, youth group, or camp, please use our contact form.

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