Tired of feeling stuck, out of control, and overwhelmed by strong emotions? This simple practice will help you get unstuck, reframe, and move forward.
All of us struggle with worry, fear, and anxious thoughts. But you don’t have to stay in the doom loop. Hope and peace are available.
This video will help.
Download the FREE Guide that will help you apply what I teach in this video (below).
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”–Psalm 139:23-24
Is God real? Does God exist? Can you know God is real? What evidence is there for God? Does science point to God? Is God the best explanation of design? Do our desires and longings point to God? In this video, author and speaker Jonathan Morrow explores 5 powerful pieces of evidence that are signposts to God. This video will show you how to know God is real.
Explore this question further in my book with Sean McDowell – Is God Just a Human Invention? And Seventeen Other Questions Raised by the New Atheists – https://amzn.to/3Qt4SNq
What is the biggest issue facing the church today?
If you ask most people you will probably get answers like sexuality, gender, justice, tribalism, threats to religious liberty, cancel culture, consumerism, and relativism—just to name a few.
And they’re not wrong. Those are significant issues.
But they are not THE issue.
Underneath ALL of those issues is the issue that I believe is the greatest challenge for the church today—authority.
As I teach and disciple high school, college, and graduate students year-round at Impact 360 Institute and study the next generation, I am more convinced than ever that the number 1 topic that must be addressed is biblical authority.
Our Culture Has an Authority Problem
If the broader culture has an authority problem then it’s not surprising the church has a biblical authority problem.
Christians have drifted so far away from biblical authority. And it’s not just in progressive Christian circles that champion deconstruction.
Culture is simply what you come to see as normal without having to think about it. And it has become normal for people to see themselves as authoritative as I will unpack below.
10 Barriers to Biblical Authority Today
As I look around, I see 10 cultural challenges that are undermining Biblical Authority.
I will list them and comment briefly below but fully recognize that entire books could be written about each topic. In fact, I have addressed several of these challenges in depth in my book Questioning the Bible: 11 Major Challenges to the Bible’s Authority. As you read through this list, you will see how many of these build on each other.
1. Culture of Corruption & Abuse of Power. Everywhere you look there are scandals, cover-ups, and abuse of power. Scandal sells. And the entertainment news cycle is buying so it can drive clicks to create controversy and sell ad space. Sadly some high-profile Christian leaders and churches have been in the news for these reasons as well. The result is that you see a general institutional distrust setting in–especially in Gen Z. And if we’re honest, it’s not hard to see why some people are wary of authority. (more…)
How Worldviews Develop in the Context of Biblical Discipleship
How do we help kids build a lasting faith? What does spiritual growth look like?
To better understand that process, we need to look at the stages of faith development that Christian students go through. After working with, training, and observing students for a long time, I think there are four general stages.
Knowing where the student you are trying to disciple is at spiritually or where your child is as you parent them, will help you focus on the right things in the right order.
In a post-Christian culture with confusion, distraction, and outright attack at every turn, it is more important than ever to aim at the right things. And awareness is the first step.
The Four Stages of Faith Development
The first stage is beginning. The key question here is do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?
This describes when a student receives Jesus by putting his or her faith in Jesus. This is the beginning of the journey. This can be at an early age like 5 or 6 or as a teenager like for me at 17, but the point is there is their entry into a relationship with God through Jesus (John 1:12; John 14:6). New life begins.
What is a worldview? In this short video, I explain in a simple and clear way what a worldview is and why everyone has a worldview.
With all the talk recently about free speech and tolerance, it’s important to understand where people are coming from. This video shows that no one comes from a neutral position because everyone is either assuming certain things about reality or arguing for them. We need the right to disagree with one another. This is a public good worth protecting for one another.