5 Things Every Teenager Needs to Build a Lasting Faith Course

Get Lifetime Access and Start Building Your Plan Today!

You want to pass on your faith to your children and be more intentional in helping them grow spiritually. You want them to stand strong. But where do you start?

What’s Inside the Course?
 25 Visually Engaging Videos (5+ Hours of Practical Teaching)
 95 Page Downloadable Build a Lasting Faith Roadmap
 Downloadable Faith Ownership Dashboard
• Lifetime Access to the “5 Things Every Teenager Needs to Build a Lasting Faith” Course

Don’t let post-Christian culture steal your kid’s faith. I will help you build a step-by-step plan and create a personalized Faith Ownership DashboardTM .

Don’t waste another day. Let’s get started focusing on what matters most!

Learn More…

#33: How to Clearly Share the Gospel with Greg Stier

Now more than ever it is important to be clear about the hope that we have as followers of Jesus. In this episode, I was excited to do a quick interview with my friend Greg Stier of Dare 2 Share ministries about how to clearly share the Gospel and offer a behind the scenes look at a brand new app that makes this easier than ever–even in a pandemic. I will share my quote of the week by John Stott and talk a little more about life during the quarantine. Enjoy! 



#31: Christian Quick Guide to Life in Coronavirus Quarantine

How should Christians uniquely approach our circumstances right now during the Coronavirus pandemic? What should our posture be? I’ll share 3 quick do’s and 3 dont’s, some fun things amidst the hard and my favorite quote from C.S. Lewis that helps us navigate these times. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss a podcast! Listen below…

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Do All Religions Lead To God? (Quick Video)

One of the most common assumptions in our culture today is that all roads lead to God in the end. All you need to be is sincere and it will all work out. But if the rest of our lives don’t work that way (think your bank account!), then why should we expect religion too?

This quick animated video explains why (more…)