What Are the 4 Stages of Faith Development for Students?

How Worldviews Develop in the Context of Biblical Discipleship

How do we help kids build a lasting faith? What does spiritual growth look like?

To better understand that process, we need to look at the stages of faith development that Christian students go through. After working with, training, and observing students for a long time, I think there are four general stages.

Knowing where the student you are trying to disciple is at spiritually or where your child is as you parent them, will help you focus on the right things in the right order.

In a post-Christian culture with confusion, distraction, and outright attack at every turn, it is more important than ever to aim at the right things. And awareness is the first step.

The Four Stages of Faith Development


The first stage is beginning. The key question here is do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?

This describes when a student receives Jesus by putting his or her faith in Jesus. This is the beginning of the journey. This can be at an early age like 5 or 6 or as a teenager like for me at 17, but the point is there is their entry into a relationship with God through Jesus (John 1:12; John 14:6). New life begins.



The second stage is surviving. The key question here is do you really want to follow (and obey) Jesus?

If they grow up in the world, then they will face challenges to their faith. It is not a matter of if but when and what kind of challenges will come. The enemy of our souls has schemes. There is a lot of wrestling in this stage. Do I really want to be and live differently than my friends? Do I really want to say no to what feels good to obey God?


The third stage is owning. The key question here is do you know why you believe what you believe?

Is it true? Am I convinced? Does it make sense? On the other side of genuine doubt is a stronger faith. You anchor some things in and lock them down. Commitments are made and some key categories begin to click. One of the most important is an increasing confidence that you can trust the Bible.

God is real. God has spoken. Jesus rose from the dead and is who he claimed to be. I have a purpose beyond my own emotional happiness and pleasure. I’m in. I don’t know everything, but I know enough to know that I am in.


The fourth stage is multiplying. The key question here is are you going to faithfully become like Jesus and make disciples?

This means your faith goes beyond you. You are making disciples who are also making disciples. Sharing the Gospel and using your God-given talents, time, and spiritual gifts to serve others and make something of the world for the glory of God.

This is when the Christian life gets really fun. Sadly, so few followers of Jesus get to this stage to experience the deep joy that comes from this or see the influence they can have on others for Christ.

Summary of the 4 Stages of Faith Development with Questions

  • Beginning–do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?
  • Surviving–do you really want to follow (and obey) Jesus?
  • Owning–do you know why you believe what you believe?
  • Multiplying–are you going to faithfully become like Jesus and make disciples?

There is a lot you can build out here. And I have done some of this in different places (What students need to know during these stages, The 3R’s of Worldview Transformation, The right questions to ask when teaching a Christian Worldview, How to Build a Roadmap to help kids build a lasting faith).

But the bottom line is this–How am I helping this student progress through and grow in these stages? How do we move them from John 1:12 to 2 Tim 2:2?

Beginning with the end in mind makes a big difference.